Monday, January 23, 2012

2(E) Alliteration - Supporting Standard

Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonological Awareness
2(E) recognize spoken alliteration or groups of words that begin with the same spoken onset or initial sound (e.g. "baby boy bounces the ball"

recognize spoken alliteration, words with the same spoken onset or initial sound.`


Anchor Stations:

  • Students use a clip board with a paper with letters for the week.  The students read the room and find other words with the same beginning letter.

2(D) Distinguish Rhymes - Supporting Standard

Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonological Awareness
2(D) distinguish orally presented rhyming pairs of words from non-rhyming pairs
Distinguish orally presented rhyming pairs of words from non-rhyming pairs

  • Oddball Out: Children listen as you say three words. Explain that two of the three words share a common sound. Have children identify the word that does not belong.
    • Variation - use pictures instead of words.

    Anchor Stations:

    Sunday, January 22, 2012

    10(C) Authors Group Information in Text ---Expository (Supporting)

    Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text
    10(C) Discuss the ways authors group information in text
    14(C) Retell the order of events in a text by referrring to the words and/or illustrations
    14(C) describe the order of event or ideas in a text
    13(C) identify explicit cause and effect  relationships among ideas in texts11(C) describe explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts organized by cause and effect, sequence, or comparison
    11(C) analyze how the organizational patterns of a text (e.g., cuase and effect, comapre and contrast, sequential order, logical order, classification schemes) influce the relationships among the ideas

    Discuss the way authors group information in text

    RATT -
    • Teacher directs the students attention to the headings/subheadings to discuss how the author grouped information, text and photographs, to match the heading.
    • Teacher directs the students attention to the table of contents and how the author grouped each section of the text.

    Anchor Stations:

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Fig. 19(F) Making Connections

    English Language Arts and Reading
    (F) make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual evidence.

    (F) make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual evidence.
    (F) make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual evidence.
    (F) make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between lliterary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence.(F) make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between lliterary and informational texts with similar ideas and provide textual evidence.
    (F) make connections (e.g., thematic links, author analysis) between and across multiple texts of various genres and provide textual evidence.
    make connections to own experiences and discuss textual evidence

    make connections to ideas in other texts and discuss textual evidence

    make connections to the larger community and discuss textual evidence

    • Teacher makes three posters (Text to Self, Text to Text, and Text to World), in which students will post their post it notes with connections.
    • Primary Comprehension Toolkit
      • Book 1-Monitor Comprehension
        •  Lesson 1, Think about the Text: using the book The Art Lesson by Tomie dePaola, students write/draw what they are thinking as the teacher reads the text.
      • Book 2-Activate & Connect
        • Lesson 6, Make Connections: using the book Patches Lost and Found by Steven Kroll, students use sticky notes to write/draw their T-S, T-T, and T-W connections.  Then, the important part "How does it help me understand" the text.
    • Interactive Read-Alouds by Linda Hoyt
      • Make Connections pg. 9 using Frog and Toad Are Friends "A Lost Button" by Arnold Lobel. Students make connections about the feelings that Toad was having.
        • Share the Reading pg. 11 - students read teh statements dramatically, connecting to the correct behavior (said, cried, wailed, shouted, screamed).

    Anchor Activities:
    • Interactive Read-Alouds by Linda Hoyt
      • Make Connections pg 10:
        • During independent time with books, have children place sticky notes in their books when they think of connections
        • Have children illustrate connections by sketchin the scene in a tory on one side of a page and sketching a connection tot heir life or another story on the opposite side of the page