Sunday, September 18, 2011

1(G) Parts of a Book

Students understand how English is written and printed

1 (G) identify different parts of a book (e.g. front and back covers, title page).

1(F) identify the information that different parts of a book provide (e.g. title, author, illustrator, table of contents).

identify different parts of a book, front cover
identify different parts of a bookback cover

identify different parts of a booktitle page

  • Sing the song "Author writes the words.." to the tune of Hi-Ho-the Derry-oh
  • Clap syllables to "author"-2 claps and "writes words"-2 claps  "illustrator"-4 claps "draws the picture" -4claps
  • Students help the teacher orient the book for the teacher

Anchor Activities:

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