Sunday, September 18, 2011

4(A) Predictions

Reading/Beginning Reading/Strategies.
Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed.
4(A) predict what might happen next in the text based on the cover, title, and illustrations
4(A) confirm predictions about what will happen next in  the text by "reading the part that tells"
3(A) use ideas (e.g. illustrations, titles, topic sentence, key words, and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions
2(A) use ideas (e.g. illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing clues) to make and confirm predictions
Predict what might happen next in the text based on the cover

Predict what might happen next in the text based on the title

Predict what might happen next in the text based on the illustrations

  • Monday--picture walk to make predictions about what will happen next in the story.  No reading of the book is done on this day.  Using only title and illustrations
  • Tuesday--Review the picture walk and read to confirm or revise the predictions that were made.  Cross-check meaning (picture) with visual (word) to predict a word.  Introduce and locate sight words.  Locate unknown words using first sound.
  • Wednesday--Locate and identify conventions in text.  Beginning of a sentence starts with a capital and ends with appropriate punctuation.  Match upper and lower case letters.  Use hand signals if appropriate.
  • Thursday--The students read the book.  Sequence the story  using pictures from the book or puppets.
  • Friday--Students are given thier own copy of the book to color and locate sight words in the book.

Anchor Activities:
  • Place the book from the week in the reading center.  Students can use for familiar reading.
  • Glue letters to make words from the book on a card.  Similar activity using stamps..students stamp the words then write them
  • Laminated construction paper with the word.  Students will trace, make with magnetic letters, then write on thier own

1(G) Parts of a Book

Students understand how English is written and printed

1 (G) identify different parts of a book (e.g. front and back covers, title page).

1(F) identify the information that different parts of a book provide (e.g. title, author, illustrator, table of contents).

identify different parts of a book, front cover
identify different parts of a bookback cover

identify different parts of a booktitle page

  • Sing the song "Author writes the words.." to the tune of Hi-Ho-the Derry-oh
  • Clap syllables to "author"-2 claps and "writes words"-2 claps  "illustrator"-4 claps "draws the picture" -4claps
  • Students help the teacher orient the book for the teacher

Anchor Activities:

1(F) Book Concepts

Students understand how English is written and printed

1(F) hold a book right side up, turn its pages correctly, and know that reading moves from top to bottom and left to right.

1(E) read texts by moving from top to bottom of the page and traking words from left to right with return sweep

hold a book right side up
turn pages in a book correctly
know that reading moves from top to bottom
know that reading moves from left to right

  • Glue a picture of a truck or car onto a popsicle stick to show that the reading moves forward not backward.
  • Teacher models by acting like she doesn't know how to hold the book

Anchor Activities:

1 (A) Spoken Words Represented by Print

Students understand how English is written and printed

1(A) recognize that spoken words can be represented by print for communication

1(A) Recognize that spoken words are represented in written English by specific sequence of letters

recognize that  spoken words can be represented by print for communication

  • Bring in different forms of print--environmental print
  • Link to writing by copying the pictures of environmental print to put in the picture section of the writer's workshop paper and tell a story

Anchor Activities:
  • Use pictures of the environmental print to use as a story starter or beginning sounds

Friday, September 16, 2011

1(E) Word Boundaries

Students understand how English is written and printed

1(E) recognize that a sentences are comprised of words separated by spaces and demonstrate the awareness of word boundaries (e.g. through kinesthetic or tactile actions such as clapping and jumping)

1(D) recognize e distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g. capitalization of the first word, ending punctuation)

recognize that  sentences are comprised of words separated by spaces

demonstrate the awareness of word boundaries (e.g. through kinesthetic or tactile actions such as clapping and jumping)

  • Use a sentence from the shared book that week and glue the words on a black piece of construction paper
  • Move into a common assessment using a sentence from the story and gluing on a piece of dark colored construction paper.  Bring results to meeting on 10-18-11

Anchor Activities

1(D)Difference Between Letter and Word (CAP)

Students understand how English is written and printed

1(D) recognize the difference between a letter and a printed word

recognize the difference between a letter and a printed word

  • Using a pocket chat,  the whole class sorts letters and words previously written on sentence strips.
  • During RATT students use wicky sticks or tape to find letters and words in big book.
  • Create a tree map for letters and words

Anchor Activities:

  • Student makes flip folder to sort and store letters and words (after working with it in class can take home to practice).

1(C) One to One Correspondence (CAP)

Students understand how English is written and printed

1(C) demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed word in text

demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed word in text

  • Use a goldfish to hop from word to word
  • Draw lines for each word that the student wants to write in their sentence
  • Student tracks reading in a big book

Anchor Activities

1 (B) identify upper-and lower-case letters (CAP)

Students understand how English is written and printed

1(B) identify upper and lower case letters

1(B) identify upper and lower case letters

identify upper and lower case letters

  • Using pocket chart, students name and sort upper-case and lower-case letters.
  • During Read-Aloud students use wicky sticks or tape to find upper-case and lower-case letters.

Anchor Activities;
  • Students make flip folder to sort and store upper-case and lower-case letter.  Then students can take home to practice.