Tuesday, January 7, 2014

6(B) Discuss the Big Idea (Theme)

Reading/Comprehension of Literacy Text/Theme and Genre.
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence fromt he text to support their understanding
6(B) discuss the big idea (theme) of a well-known folktale or fable and connect it to personal experience
7(A) connect the meaning o a well-known story or fable to personal experiences
6(A) identify moral lessons as themes in well-known fables, legends, myths, or stories
5(A) paraphrase the themes and supporting details of fables, legends, myths, or stories3(A) summarize and explain the lesson or message of a work of fiction as its theme
3(A) compare and contrast the themes or moral lessons of several works of fiction from various cultures
discuss the big idea (theme) of a well known folktale and connect to personal experience.
discuss the big idea (theme) of a well known fable and connect to personal experience.

Guided Reading Books: 

The Boy and the Lion - Fables from Aesop DRA 14

The Fox and the Crow - Fable from Aesop  DRA 15

The Ant and the Dove - Aesop's Fable  DRA 15

Sundance Comprehension Strategies Kit

Level 6-12 Fiction

Genre - Fables

  • The Tortoise and the Hare  (Moral: slow and steady wind the race)

  • The Fox and the Crow (Moral: Do not be fooled by false praise.)

  • The Crow and the Pitcher (Moral: Little by little does the job)

  • The And and the Dove (Moral: If you do something nice for someone, someone will do something nice for you.)

  • The Ant and the Grasshopper (Moral: There is a time for work and a time for play.)

6(D) Recognize Recurring Phrases Fairy Tales, Lullibies, and Folktales

Reading/Comprehension of Literacy Text/Theme and Genre.
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence fromt he text to support their understanding
6(D) recognize recurring phrases and characters in traditional fairy tales, lullabies, and folk tales from various cultures.
7(B) explain the function of recurring phrases (eg. "Once upon a time" or "They lived happily ever after") in traditional folk-and-fairy tales.
6(B) compare different versions of the same story in traditional and contemporary folktales with respect to their characters, settings, and plot.
5(B) compare and contrast the settings in myths and traditional folktales3(B) compare and contrast the adventures or exploits of characters (e.g., the trickster) in traditional and classical literature.
3(A) compare and contrast the themes or moral lessons of several works of fiction from various cultures
explain the function of recurring phrases in traditional folk tales.
explain the function of recurring phrases in traditional fairy tales.

Genre Study Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books by Irene C. Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell
fairy tales anchor chartReading Genres - A Study Guide 1st Grade  Texas Treasures
folk tales...definedAdorable Fairy Tale Ideas!  Super-cute Jack and the Beanstalk idea also!fairy tales


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

6(A) Elements of a Story (Readiness)

Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Thmes and Genre.
Students  analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to.
6(A) identify elements of a story including setting,
character and key events
Identify elements of a story including setting
Identify elements of a story including character
Identify elements of a story including key events


After the teacher reads during Shared Reading/RATT the students identify elements of a story by using the retelling cube (any other cube with character, setting, problem, solution) the students sit in a circle and pass it around (like hot potato).  When the music stops the student holding the cube answers one of the questions.

First it can be orally, then the teacher can write the answers, and finally the students can do it on their own (drawing/writing)

4(B) Ask & Respond to Questions (Readiness)

Reading/Beginning Reading/Strategies.
Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed.  Students are expected to.
ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud.
ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts.
ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text
2(B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about storiesand other texts and support answers with evidence from text.
Ask questions about texts read aloud.
Respond to questions about texts read aloud.

Question Box -  Place a stuff animal, shape, item from the classroom and have students ask questions.  This is very difficult because they state comments.  To change up the activity, the teacher can write the questions on the board for students to see the question mark "?".

Shared Reading - As students ask questions teacher writes on the board and the class answers together.  Confirm answers at the end.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fig. 19(E) Retell Events - Readiness

Figure 19 (E)

Retell or act out important events in stories
Retell or act out important events in stories in logical order
Retell important events in stories in logical order
Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order
Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order
Summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts
Retell important events in stories.

Act out important events in stories.

  • Retell events using nursery rhymes and felt-board activities
  • Use a flow map to introduce order of events and retelling using the concept of PK thru 4th. You must go to kinder before first grade and so on

    Green light - first, to begin
    Yello light - next, then
    Red light - last,  in the end, finally
  • Use sequencing words when retelling to provide a format/guidance (first, next, last)
  • Use pictures from big books to retell the story
  • Reenact with finger puppets or hats
  • Use graphic organizer

8(A) Retell Main Event - Readiness

Reading /Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. 
8(A)retell main event from a story read aloud.
9(A)describe the plot (problem and solution) and retell a story's beginning, middle, and end with attention to the sequence of events.
9(A)describe similarities and differences in the plots and settings of several works by the same author
8(A)equence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events.
6(A)sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events.
6(A) describe incidents that advance the story or novel, explaining how each incident gives rise to or foreshadows future evetns
retell main event from a story read aloud.


  • RATT - What was the story about? Thinking about that event - what happened first, next, last.


      Anchor Activities:

    Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    5(B) Compound Words

    Pre K

    Guideline  111.B.2
    Child combines to make compound words

    Guideline  111.B.3
    Child deletes a word from a compound word

    5(B)  recognize that compound words are made up of shorter words

    6(B)  determine the meaning of compound words using knowledge of the meaning of their individual component words (lunchtime)

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