Tuesday, October 9, 2012

4(B) Ask & Respond to Questions (Readiness)

Reading/Beginning Reading/Strategies.
Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed.  Students are expected to.
ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud.
ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts.
ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text
2(B) ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about storiesand other texts and support answers with evidence from text.
Ask questions about texts read aloud.
Respond to questions about texts read aloud.

Question Box -  Place a stuff animal, shape, item from the classroom and have students ask questions.  This is very difficult because they state comments.  To change up the activity, the teacher can write the questions on the board for students to see the question mark "?".

Shared Reading - As students ask questions teacher writes on the board and the class answers together.  Confirm answers at the end.

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