Monday, September 24, 2012

Fig. 19(E) Retell Events - Readiness

Figure 19 (E)

Retell or act out important events in stories
Retell or act out important events in stories in logical order
Retell important events in stories in logical order
Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order
Summarize information in text, maintaining meaning and logical order
Summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts
Retell important events in stories.

Act out important events in stories.

  • Retell events using nursery rhymes and felt-board activities
  • Use a flow map to introduce order of events and retelling using the concept of PK thru 4th. You must go to kinder before first grade and so on

    Green light - first, to begin
    Yello light - next, then
    Red light - last,  in the end, finally
  • Use sequencing words when retelling to provide a format/guidance (first, next, last)
  • Use pictures from big books to retell the story
  • Reenact with finger puppets or hats
  • Use graphic organizer

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