Friday, March 2, 2012

Fig. 19 (D): Inferences

Figure 19 (D)
Make inferences based on the cover, title, illustrations, and plot
Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding
Make inferences about text using textual evidence to support understanding
Make inferences about text using textual evidence to support understanding
Make inferences about text using textual evidence to support understanding
Make inferences about text using textual evidence to support understanding
Make inferences based on the cover
Make inferences based on the title
Make inferences based on illustrations
Make inferences based on the plot

  • Use Early Childhood flap books to infer using Background knowlege (what we know) + text clues (pictures and words) = Inference
  • Interactive Read-Alouds (Linday Hoyt): comprehension -Infer p. 33  No, David!
  • Comprehension Tool Kit (Stephanie Harvey): Book # 4
    • Lesson 12--Infer Meaning page 3
    • Lesson 15 -- Infer and Visualize with Narrative Nonfiction page46
Anchor Charts  from 1st grade and 3rd Grade

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