Monday, October 24, 2011

2(C) Rhymes

Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Phonological Awareness
2(C) orally generate rhymes in response to spoken words (e.g., "What rhymes with hat?"

(e.g., "Que rima con mesa?"
2(A) orally generate a series of original rhyming words using a variety of phonograms (e.g., - ake, -ant, -ain, and consonant blends (e.g., bl, st, tr)
Orally generate rhymes in response to spoken words

  • The Body Rhyme Chant (Say PUP, now please stand UP.  Say GO, now touch your TOE.)
  • The Name Game:  use a students name and words that rhyme with his/her name
                                         _____, ______ ziggety _______
                                        Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble ______
                                        Tip top, tippy toe, Texas   ___________
                                       Yea, yea, yippy, yi _______
                                       Happy, happy day to _______
  • Do you know two rhyming words: (sung to the tune of "Muffin Man"
                    Do you know two rhyming words,
                    Two rhyming words,
                    Two rhyming words?
                    Oh, do you know two rhyming words?
                   They sound a lot alike.

                   Rag and wag are two rhyming words,
                  Two rhyming words,
                  Two rhyming words,
                  Rag and wag are two rhyming words.
                  They sound a lot alike.
  • Oddball Out: Children listen as you say three words.  Explain that two of the three words share a common sound.  Have children identify the word that does not belong.
    • Variation - use pictures instead of words.
  • Nursery Rhymes -  Interactive Read-Alouds by Linday Hoyt pg. 175 and 176
  • Dr. Seuss books
  • Interactive Read-Alouds by Linday Hoyt - Rhyme  pg. 169 using Noisy Nora by Rosemary Wells
    • The whole book is based on rhyming at it still tells a great story.
    • Teacher reads and stops to model and guide students to repeate a sentence with rhymes and say the two words that rhyme.
    • Extension:  say other words that rhyme with the two in the story.
  • Interactive Read-Alouds by Linday Hoyt - Rhyme  pg. 171
    •    "Five Little Ducks" poem - rhymes
  • Interactive Read-Alouds by Linday Hoyt - Rhyme  pg. 173 using Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr. and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr.
  • Have children illustrate and label words that are rhyming pairs
  • Rhyme House: 
    • Teacher will create a house for different rhymes (-op, -ee, -at, ) 
    • The house will have a sample picture on the roof as a sample
    • Teacher and students place picture cards in the house that it rhymes with
    • Display on wall and add pictures/words from RATT or guided reading.

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