Tuesday, December 13, 2011

10(A) Topic and Details in Expository (Readiness)

Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text
10(A) identify the topic and details in expository text heard or read, referring to the words and/or illustrations.
14(A) restate the main idea, heard or read.
14(A) identify the mamin idea in a text and distinguish it fromthe topic
13(A) identify the details or facts that suppport the main idea11(A) summarize the main idea and supporting  details in text in ways that maintain meaning
11(A) summarize the main ideas and supporting details in a text in ways that maintain meaning and logical order
identify the topic in expository text heard referring to the words

identify the topic in expository text heard referring to the illustrations
Identify the topic in expository text read referring to the words
identify the details in expository text hear referring to the words
Identify the topic in expository text read referring to the illustrations

identify the details in expository text hear referring to the illustrations
identify the details in expository text read referring to the words

identify the details in expository text read referring to the illustrations

  • ConnectED - Animated Comprehension Lesson (Main Idea and Details)/Lecciones Animadas de Comprension (Idea principal y detalles)
  • RATT - Using Nonfiction Exploration Big Book from book adoption "Treasures",  students will identify the topic and details as the teacher reads.
  • During or after reading, as a whole class, teacher will guide students in completing a Tree Map to Classify or a Bubble Map to describe the topic with details.
  • Headings- Teacher pre-writes headings on sentence strips.  Then covers the headings on the book with sticky notes. Read the sections under the headings to the class.  The the students have to pick the correct heading by referring to the words and/or illustrations.
  • Read, Cover, Retell - turn to your partner and share
  • FREEZE - students get up and act out the topic and details of the text
Anchor Stations:

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